In a world where time seems to rush by in a blur, there are rare individuals who have the extraordinary ability to freeze moments, encapsulating the essence of life’s most precious memories. Shelly Rose, the visionary behind Shelly Rose Photography in Scarborough, Maine, stands as a testament to this artistry, celebrating decades of passion, dedication, […]

At Shelly Rose Photography, we’re thrilled to celebrate a remarkable milestone with our extraordinary client, Crystal, who has graced our studio an incredible ten times in just two years. It’s not merely a testament to the power of photography but a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and the enduring beauty that lies within. Crystal’s trust in […]

In the world of boudoir photography, every individual is a unique canvas, and embracing your body shape is the key to a perfect boudoir experience. In this empowering journey, we explore how understanding and celebrating your distinct contours can lead to a transformative photoshoot. Our blog explores the transformative journey of embracing your body shape […]

Nestled in the heart of Scarborough, Maine, is a haven of beauty and empowerment—Shelly Rose Photography. Since its inception in 1989, this full-service boudoir studio has been capturing the essence of confidence, grace, and allure through its lens. Stepping into this studio is not just a photography session; it’s an immersive experience in self-celebration. A […]

Hey, lovely people! As you know, we’re all about capturing the stunning beauty of boudoir photography here in Scarborough, Maine. To ensure that our page stays true to its artistry without any restrictions, we’ve created a special group where you can join us to revel in all the breathtaking portraits that might not fit within […]

In a world where moments freeze into memories and pictures speak volumes, Shelly Rose Photography in Scarborough, Maine stands as a beacon of hope, not just in artistry but in their unwavering support of the National Breast Cancer Foundation. For the past 7-8 years, this studio has gone beyond capturing moments; they’ve captured hearts and […]

Boudoir photography captures intimate moments, celebrating the beauty, confidence, and sensuality of an individual. Once you’ve had a boudoir session and received these stunning photographs, gifting them to your significant other can be a deeply personal and touching gesture. However, presenting these intimate images requires careful consideration to ensure the moment is both special and […]

Boudoir photography is an art form that celebrates intimacy, confidence, and individuality. It’s about capturing the essence of a person, embracing their uniqueness, and creating timeless, stunning images. One way to infuse your personality into these shoots is through the clever use of props. From oversized tees to quirky items like sports jerseys or golf […]

Maternity Boudoir – Embracing the Beauty of Pregnancy Pregnancy is a time of profound transformation—a journey filled with anticipation, excitement, and an overwhelming rush of emotions. As a woman’s body changes to nurture new life, it’s a momentous occasion that deserves to be celebrated in all its glory. Maternity boudoir photography has emerged as a […]

In the picturesque town of Scarborough, Maine, there exists a hidden gem that has been empowering individuals for over three decades. Shelly Rose Photography, a boudoir studio, is not your typical photography business. Established in 1989, it has carved out a niche in the world of photography, specializing in capturing the beauty, confidence, and empowerment […]